Teleportation is science fiction material, but scientists are working on teleportation in the real world. They do not transport people or products. Instead, they are working on quantum teleportation that could create a very secure and extremely fast quantum internet.…
A screen shot: The magic castleIn 1998, a small team of Japanese developers spent eight months working on a game called The magic castle, Which they sent as an introduction to seven major publishers, including Sony. It never went anywhere,…
Exclusive The black teen who was falsely accused of stealing a woman's phone needs treatment now because the accident severely affected him ... that's according to his parents. Keon Harold TMZ says ... he and his ex-wife, Kat, Currently, they…
Atgūšanas un ilgtspējības fonds ir pieejams, lai palīdzētu dalībvalstu ekonomikām atgūties no Covid-19 krīzes. Tam visā Eiropā ir pieejami vairāk nekā 650 miljardi eiro, no kuriem daļa jāiztērē klimata pārmaiņām. Latvija plāno izmantot šos līdzekļus transporta emisiju samazināšanai Rīgā un…
Transit fees in Pennsylvania rose today, prices will increase 6% for E-ZPass and billboard drivers' fees There is also an additional 45% increase in fees received by the paintings, and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission said the new fees through the…
Dorit Kimsley feels about the besieged Hilary Baldwin, After her accent was checked In the past. Over the weekend, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star, 44, sparked the latest controversy over the 36-year-old Baldwin, who is currently embroiled in…
A Harvard professor named Avi Loeb, head of the astronomy department at Harvard University, believes that the first hint we will get about an alien intelligence will not be a spacecraft. Rather, he thinks that the first sign we'll get…
A screen shot: Square EnixA new secret phishing code was found in Yoke: Automata Lets players skip the entire game after beating only the first boss. It has been confirmed that this new discovery is the "ultimate secret" that the…
In the absence of data, experts can make completely different claims."Deaths due to COVID-19 on the African continent are not a major public issue," he said. Dorian Job, Director of the MSF West Africa Program. What he called "crazy expectations"…
Vācu autoražotājs BMW plāno ievērojami paplašināt elektrificēto modeļu klāstu, līdz 2023. gadam sagatavojot katru piekto jauno automašīnu, kas aprīkots ar elektromotoru. Augsburger Allgemeine, atsaucoties uz BMW vadītāja Olivera Cipsesa informāciju, ziņo, ka Vācijas uzņēmums nākamajos trīs gados saražos par ceturtdaļmiljonu…